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Do you feel stuck and have no idea what to do next? Today in the blog , I’m sharing 3 tips to help you gain clarity in your business.
If you need a breakthrough, this episode is for you! Maybe you’re in a season where you feel unsure. You’re unclear about the next step and you feel stuck. Today’s episode will help you gain clarity in your business. Sometimes it’s not in business, it could be a friendship or relationship, a move, a job opportunity or building a team.
At some point, you’ll find yourself in a season where you feel stuck and you’re seeking clarity. I want to share behind the scenes of how I gained clarity in my business to encourage you and show you how you can gain clarity too.
Personally, I love having a clear plan in my business and knowing what the next step is going to be. God called me to leave my other podcast and begin pursuing this one. He gave me the name of the podcast and the brand. But that’s all that I knew. That was all that God revealed to me.
I didn’t know how I was going to monetize this business or who I was supposed to be serving. It was hard to move forward without knowing what the next steps were. For the last couple of weeks, I have been praying and trying to figure out what I’m supposed to be doing.
Right now, I am running three businesses at once. I wanted clarity on whether or not I needed to shut down some of those moving pieces or keep all three. If I did keep all three, what would I do in each one? I’ve been asking, journaling, and praying to find the answers. I won’t lie, I’ve felt frustrated.
But I finally received clarity on how I’m going to monetize this business, who it is for and how I’m going to lead through this podcast to help my ideal client. I want to share some of the steps I took and the revelations I found to help you gain clarity in your business.
I searched high and low for blogs and podcasts that addressed this topic from a Christian perspective. I couldn’t find anything with the keywords I was looking for that really spoke into what I needed. So, it was really important to me to share what I’ve learned with you.
First, I want you to know that you’re not alone. Feel encouraged and understand that we all go through this season and a lot of us will hit it more than once. I want to give you tactical steps to help you navigate your season of feeling unsure or feeling stuck. I want you to gain clarity in your business and equip you to help or encourage someone else who is going through this season too.
The first way to gain clarity in your business is to pray for it. I prayed, complained and cried out to the Lord for clarity in what I was supposed to do next. No, I didn’t immediately gain an answer through the first or second time I prayed. I had to be persistent in prayer, which the Bible says a lot.
You have to go to prayer and seek it first. Then it will be given to you. So, that’s exactly what I did even when it was uncomfortable. Again, the first thing that I want you to do is run to prayer. Have a conversation with God. Seek Him, fall to your knees, sit at His feet, and just be with Him. Get all your emotions out. In due time, you will begin to hear the answer even if it’s not immediate. Don’t give up if you’re three days into prayer and you still haven’t received clarity.
The second thing way to gain clarity in your business is by reading your Bible. The best place to hear God’s voice is through His word. Open your Bible and begin to read and study it. You may need a devotional, a Bible study or a journal to guide you through reading the Bible. There is no shame in that.
I have been reading this Bible study called The 5 Minute Bible Study Journal: Peace for an Anxious Heart. The topics have been spot-on for what I’ve needed. I want to share how God moves and how He will give you little breadcrumbs to show you that you’re headed in the right direction and that your clarity is coming. One devotion that spoke to me called me to read Luke 1:26-38. The key verse was, “Mary said, I am the servant of the Lord, let this happen to me, as you say. Then the angel went away.”
This story was about when the angel came to tell Mary that she was going to give birth to Jesus. The devotion asked, “Have you ever walked through a season where you had to let go and let God as Mary did? Were you able to say, let this happen to me, as you say, Lord?” I answered yes, I’m in this season right now! I had to keep surrendering my own will and the need to be in control.
The next day, the devotion was titled, “Do it God’s Way”. I read Genesis 16:1-15. The key verse was, “so after Abraham had been living in Canaan, 10 years, Sarai, his wife, took her Egyptian slave, Hagar, and gave her to her husband to be his wife.”
That doesn’t seem like a verse you want to cling to. But sometimes, when our anxieties are high, and our faith is low, we step out on our own and take matters into our own hands. The devotion asked, “Have you ever done that? And how did it work out?”
I’ve done that so many times. If Sarai had just waited, if she hadn’t jumped the gun, she would have seen the fruition of God’s plan in her own life. How many of you have refused to wait and tried to make things happen on your own?
I’ve done this countless times. If I launch something, or if I’m trying to hit a certain profit goal, sometimes I get ahead of myself, and I get ahead of God. I believe that I’m going to be the one to make it happen. But I am disappointed every single time.
The devotion says, “it’s better to hang on to your faith and believe that He will come through for you, even if circumstances make you feel otherwise.” God is going to come through for you. All the way back to Jeremiah 29:11, He has a plan for you. There is hope and a future for you.
Dive into God’s word to gain clarity in your business. We need to be very careful as ambitious women that we don’t get ahead of God if He is asking you to wait. If you are in a season of feeling unsure and seeking clarity, God might be tapping you on the shoulder and saying, “Hey, I’m just waiting on you. I will give this to you just as soon as we get those priorities back in order. Just as soon as you come back to me. You can’t do this in your own strength. Come rest, come sit down, come take a break.”
The third thing that I did, was take a course on clarity. I took Clarify Your Calling by Stephanie Gass. She is a former coach of mine, and she helped me gain clarity that I needed. Her CYC course was a place for me to have structure. It gave me specific things to pray on, to journal about, and to seek God on. The course gave me an outline to follow and great prompts to go through. So, I highly recommend it.
After I gained clarity in my business the enemy started taunting me, “Are you sure? Are you sure that you’re called to do this? Are you sure you’re qualified for this?”
This is why God doesn’t show us the whole plan. We would run away from it because we would think we’re not worthy. We can’t do it. We’re not that strong or great. We’re not but He is. We have the same power, the same strength, everything that Jesus had, because He is working through us, in us and through us.
When you’ve gotten clarity on your calling, and you start to feel overwhelmed, remember that He will qualify and equip you. More often than not, God is going to call you to something that feels too big, too scary, or too uncomfortable. That’s how you know it’s from God.
The enemy is not going to call you into something like that, because he doesn’t want you to go outside of your comfort zone. The enemy doesn’t want you to be bold. He wants to keep you stuck and confused. So, you have to be really careful to discern that.
After gaining more clarity in my business, I’m making a small tweak for who I’m serving on this podcast. This podcast is going to be about business strategy for Christian women entrepreneurs. However, I am going to be more specific on topics that have to do with spiritual growth, leadership boundaries and business strategy for people who identify as coaches, podcasters, or someone with an online business.
If you are seeking visibility and authority in your space, you have a desire to make an impact in the world and in your home and you have big dreams, this podcast is for you. I help Christian women entrepreneurs scale their business, their spiritual growth, business strategy, leadership and boundaries.
We are going to be diving into a bunch of different topics such as financial freedom, finding work life balance, long form content, podcasting, offers and launching. God also gave me this amazing program and ways that I’m going to be monetizing this business to really serve those people. All of these pages of notes are such a blessing, considering how lost I was.
If you are in a similar season, I want to encourage you to keep waiting. Do not get ahead of God. I know that this world and our society makes us feel like we need things right now. But you don’t. If you needed it right now God would give it to you.
When I experience lows in my business, I always ask myself this question: “do I have enough for today?” That’s it. I don’t care about tomorrow. I don’t care if another dollar came in the door. Do I have enough for today?
If the answer is yes, which it always is. Then I don’t have to worry about tomorrow, because the Bible tells me that I don’t have to. God tells us that He provides for us on a day-to-day basis. We do not need to worry about yesterday or tomorrow. We just need to focus and ask ourselves, do we have enough for today? I’m willing to bet the answer is yes.
So, thank God for that. Thank God that you have enough for today, you have exactly what you need right now. I invite you to immediately get into prayer with Him. Start by acknowledging who He is in your life and who He is to you. Then move into that gratitude, thank Him for the things that you are grateful for in your life.
Address your concerns to Him. Tell him what you’re worried about what you’re anxious about. Seek Him for clarity. Have faith that He’s going to come through for you. You have to believe because faith is so important. I hope you find the breakthrough and the clarity that you are looking for.
I’m praying blessings on your business!
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