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Ever wondered what it’s like behind the scenes of my life? In this episode of the Five Star Business Podcast, I’m sharing my weekly routine for my life and business. I hope this inspires you to create a unique system that works for you!
I’m taking you behind the scenes for my entire weekly routine, Sunday through Friday. This is what it looks like in my life and business on a week-to-week basis. If you’re like me, you love listening to episodes like this. I’m always intrigued to hear what other people do in their life and business. When you hear something that you could do differently, you can implement that into your own life and business.
On Sunday mornings we go to church. But every Sunday afternoon or evening, I sit down and plan for the week ahead. I get out my paper planner and my laptop opened up to my Google Calendar. I transfer everything in my Google calendar to my paper planner and write down all of my appointments for the week.
I use a planner from Walmart that was created for a student going to high school. It’s broken down by subject and class. But I break it into different topics and categories. There are five categories, going up and down on the left side of the planner. It has Monday through Sunday going horizontally. I break these down by appointments, focuses, and personal wins. On the bottom, I write Bible verses.
On Sunday’s, I do two things. I plan with my paper planner and look ahead at my week. I double check where I’m supposed to be every single day. Then I use my Google Calendar to help me figure out what I need to order for grocery pickup, which I do on Mondays for a week’s worth of groceries.
I like to prep for everything that I’m going to need for the week, so nothing gets forgotten or left behind. Grocery pickup has changed my life. If we lived in a city, I would get grocery delivery. But we don’t have that option. So, grocery pickup is the next best thing.
One of the tools that I use on Sundays is called Fix Your Focus. It’s a 52-week guide to help you put God first. It’s mixed with biblical and community aspects with tangible planning. Every week, it has different sections for your Sunday prep when you plan your weekly routine.
It prompts you to journal. It has you go through prayer and a scripture meditation, which is where I get my verse of the week. Then, it has a place for gratitude. So, you look back at the past week, and write down five things that you’re grateful for. It also includes a spiritual growth task. Then, it walks you through a Week at a Glance checklist and ends with a gospel centered affirmation.
Monday is a “me day”. I drop off the kids for school and take the day for myself. This week I had a derma planing session on my face. Basically, shaving your face. I also used my Mother’s Day gift certificate and got a massage.
It’s hard to get back into the flow of a weekly routine after the weekend. I used to schedule strategy calls or coaching calls with my students and clients and do podcast interviews on Mondays. But I realized that I felt resentful for doing that. I needed another day, a three-day weekend. So, I decided that Mondays are going to be “me days”.
Mondays are reserved for me to go to an appointment. So, if I need to go to a doctor’s appointment, or one of my kids needs to go to an appointment, I do my best to schedule those for Mondays. I also will use these days to go to the next town over for my grocery pickup. It’s where like all the places that I could possibly go are at. So, I like to do all of that in one trip.
Mondays can also be used to clean my house. I reserve Mondays so that I can tend to myself or to anything else that needs my attention. I don’t do any work on these days unless it’s a few small admin things. But nothing major. No client work or sessions. Then I’m rested and ready to dive into my work for the rest of the week.
What would a “me day” look like for you? Reserve a day, an evening or an early morning for no work. Make it focused on something that you keep falling behind on, or to do something for yourself. Pick one day a week.
I want to share morning routine. So, I don’t consider myself a morning person. I am not someone that gets up at 5:00 AM. My alarm is set at 6:30 AM in the morning. Then, I have a choice. When the alarm clock goes off, I can shut it off or give myself a five-minute alarm so that I can lay there and rest. Then, I will get up and shower. My goal is to be get ready while my kids are getting ready for school in the morning. So that by the time I get back to the house, it’s 8:00 AM and I can start my day. That’s my ideal routine right there.
But I also listen to my body. If my alarm clock goes off, and my eyes are so tired, and I know I overdid it the day before then I will allow myself to just sleep in for about 20 to 25 extra minutes. It doesn’t sound like a lot. But if I can get an extra 20 minutes of resting, then I’m going to do a lot better throughout the day. When I do everything that I want to do, and I’m fully dressed, and back home at 8:00 AM, I go for a walk.
Then, I’ll have a work block where I do podcast interview or coaching calls. If a call gets canceled, I’ll take some time for myself and spend time with God or pour into my own business with a workshop or something else.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are workdays for me. This week, I hosted my monthly planning session inside of our Five Star Business Community. Then, I took care of a few back-end business tasks. I uploaded some podcasts and write show notes. I did some engagement in the community and on Instagram. Checked my email and got on a coffee chat with another faith led business coach and friend of mine.
I also recorded a new podcast episode and had a coaching session with a client. I also did an Instagram audit training for the photographers in my Blueprint Program, where I help photographers scale their business with consistent bookings.
That’s typically what a full workday looks like for me. I have a checklist of the things that I need to get done. I get them done, and then I close out for the day. Then, I head to school pickup to grab my kids from school.
I’ve gotten really good about not working on the weekends. Occasionally, I may work a little in the morning if I need to because I know that Mondays are for me. But Saturdays are typically reserved for family. Sometimes we have birthdays or events to go to and things like that. I try to keep the weekends chill when I can.
There you have it! A behind the scenes look into my weekly routine. If you want to hear more specifics of exactly what I did this week, listen to the podcast episode linked at the top of this blog for a week in my life and business. I hope you enjoyed the show and I’m praying blessings on your business.
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