Learn How To Grow Your Photography Business to Full Time Income This Year!
Have you ever just wanted your business to be consistent? Consistent clients, consistent bookings and consistent income? Well, this one is for you. Today, we’re diving into the truth about consistency in your photography business.
You just want consistency. I hear this a lot. One of the things that we ask right now, when people join the photography Facebook group is: “if you could sit with Brooke for coffee and ask her one question, what would you ask her?”
A lot of times the answer is: “I just wish Brooke could show me how to be consistent in my business”.
We use the word consistency a lot. I know I use the term and I have taught on the term. But I think when we say that we’re actually using the word consistency in place of what we’re actually looking for something else.
Join me for today’s discussion on the truth about consistency in your photography business; let me pry into your mind and your heart for just a second.
When you tell me that you want consistency in your business, what you’re really trying to tell me is that you wish that there was more predictability and security, right?
You want there to be some type of a prediction of what’s to come; you want to be able to say, “I’m going to have this many clients every single month and I’m going to take home this in pay and sales”. Unfortunately, that’s just not the way that entrepreneurship works. And so that’s one of the tradeoffs that we have to give up when we choose to do business differently and be a business owner instead of an employee.
Consistency is one of those things that you give up; the predictability and the security, but I don’t want that to scare you.
I have been in business now for the past decade. If I look back, it’s never been the same dollar amount, the same clients, it just isn’t the same, there’s not necessarily a consistency.
The reason that I teach on consistent clients and how to get consistent bookings is I believe that it’s tangible.
The truth about consistency in your photography business, though, is this: you’re using the word consistency, and really crying out for security. You want to know that you are going to be able to have a business at the end of the year that hit your goals with clients coming in, because I know it gets scary when you have crickets in your inbox. I know that scary.
What I want to instill in you today and encourage you with is that your business from month to month is (likely) never going to look exactly the same. I am all about setting those goals and I am all about teaching the marketing strategies, how to brand yourself, how to have this client experience and get orders in your business, etc. to aid in getting those consistent clients & bookings. Promising you that month after month is going to look exactly the same isn’t fair because it’s not true.
I don’t want you to feel discouraged, I want you to know that it’s normal.
Every single year, at least one or two months, throughout the year my bookings drop immensely; to the point where even though I’ve been doing this for several years, I still get nervous. For a lot of us, we just came out of a really slow season. In fact, this year, has been really slow.
We automatically assume that if we’re not consistent, or if we’re not hitting a certain revenue amount, that means that we have a failing business. That’s not true. You don’t need to have 10k months to be successful, and you don’t need to have a 5K, 10K months every single month in order for you to be successful.
What you need to do is to set the vision for your business, set your goals, submit all that to God, pray over your business, and then you need to do your part and carrying it out. I want you to fake it till you make it. I want you to keep one step in front of the other even in the slow times, even when it gets hard.
Entrepreneurship is a roller coaster. It can be scary; a wild ride and it can also be joyful, the best thing ever. There’s so much freedom in it.
But yes, there is a dark side to being a business owner, a lonely side to being a business owner. It’s not for the faint of heart. You have to get tough; you have to armor up, physically, mentally and spiritually in order to carry out your business to the best that you can.
So, today, this is your big hug. This is your pat on the back. Keep going. Don’t give up.
Want more on the truth about consistency and your photography business?
Tune into the Book More Clients Photography Podcast