Learn How To Grow Your Photography Business to Full Time Income This Year!
Are the packages you’ve created designed to actually sell?
I get it, fellow photographer! You’ve got your business up & running. You’ve chosen a niche and you’ve gone ALL IN.
You’re getting inquiries, but you’re not sealing the deal. You’re not getting ANY clients, people are just not wanting to work with you. Does this sound familiar? It’s probably not just your pricing (albeit this is a HUGE part of it), it’s more likely that you’re not speaking to what your ideal client is wanting.
You have to make sure you’re making it as easy as possible for your potential clients to make a decision. The more complicated the process is, the more decisions there are to be made, the less likely that those inquiries are going to choose you to work with.
TRUTH BOMB: you’re not typically your potential client’s ONLY option. Just because someone reaches out to you does not mean you are the only photographer they are reaching out to. When people start reaching out for images, they are reaching out to multiple photographers. You need to realize you’re always going to be an option and that your goal is to make your potential clients realize you are their BEST option.
The easiest way to simplify your packages is to commit to going all in with ONE niche until you have a consistent established client base. You should not have different pricing for couples versus families or two people versus 4 people. Your pricing should cover your time, your talent, number of images, your cost of doing business, etc.
Here’s your challenge: 3 or less package options
Side note, please do NOT label your packages like this. Make sure your package names relate to your branding.
BRONZE: Lower-level, cheapest option (cheap does not mean cheap prices).
The goal of this package is to set yourself up for success to sell your clients into going with one of the other two package options. Your bronze package needs to make your clients ask themselves, “why would I go with this package when I can get SO MUCH MORE with one of the other two packages?”.
SILVER: Silver will sometimes become the most booked option. It’s right in between the cheapest & the most expensive, and it’s typically the one seen as getting the “most value”.
GOLD: Your most expensive option available. It’s coming with all the bells & whistles, too. The most images, styling consult, an outfit change, etc.
That’s it. You’ve given your potential clients 3 simple choices.
You should not have packages with random numbers. Keep the numbers simple! End your packages in zeros and fives. Make it easy on your potential clients. Think about it like this, if your clients are going to the ATM to pull out cash to pay you at the time of your session, don’t make them need to ask you for change. Make it SIMPLE.
What you list as included in your session or your package is what matters. The only thing that your potential clients want to know is, “what’s in it for me?”. The tangibles, the need to know information to make a purchasing decision.
The must haves in your packages:
That’s it. That’s ALL your potential clients need to know.
When you’re writing the copy for your packages, only list the things clients want to know. What are they getting out of booking a session with you? If you have multiple genres, multiple packages to choose from and your messaging is all over the place, your potential clients are going to flee! I don’t want this to happen to you! I want you to book MORE clients!
Take the tips I’ve given you today, make some tweaks to your existing packages and watch what happens!
Ask yourself these questions:
If you’re not sure about that last question, make sure you grab my FREE Pricing for Profit Masterclass.
I want you to be creating packages that sell!! So, stop copying & pasting the notes from your phone because your words will never be enough. Instead do the work, simplify your packages & speak to directly to your audience.
Do you need a professional way to deliver your package? Go snag one of my templates from Shop Brooke Jefferson & start that AMAZING client experience with the professional delivery of your packages when your potential clients initially inquire with you. Make yourself stand out in a sea of other photographers!
Remember, you’re always going to be an option…this will help make you their BEST option!
Do you want to dive deeper into booking more clients & creating branded packages that actually sell? Head on over to the Book More Clients Photography Podcast to listen now!
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