Learn How To Grow Your Photography Business to Full Time Income This Year!
Today on the Book More Clients Photography Podcast, we hear from Heather Shriver Burns. We are doing a deep dive into mindset, heart-set, and how to run a business with God. Other topics we will discuss include: How to overcome comparison, The lies you are believing, How to see yourself the way that God sees you
I am a life coach for Christian entrepreneurs. And ultimately, I realized that there was a disconnect between having the method and the strategy versus actually doing it. And so, my heart is to help entrepreneurs focus on them working inside their hearts and their minds.
I met Heather in a very different season of my life when we were both network marketers. We ended up going on a trip to Mexico a couple months later. It’s just so cool to see how the Lord can connect you to the people that need to be in your path and then they get to go with you into New Seasons.
I’m glad so that we are still connected and on this journey together.
How do you have a successful business and always seem to have the right mindset?
We are called to have an abundant life and that is why I am opening up about my faith today, because that’s the thing is truly important. I brought Heather, specifically on, because she describes things so beautifully. You’ll see how the Holy Spirit will use her voice to speak to you.
Is mindset enough? First of all, mindset is what you’re thinking, it’s in your head. Heartset is living that out in your heart. We live 90% of our day based off of our subconscious. Which is why God says that he looks at our heart.
Brooke: I can remember my life in 2016, We were at the lowest of the low, having that negative mindset and wondering why certain things were happening. After that, it was almost like I was completely transformed when I found my way back to Christ.
That makes sense. It seems like you were really without vision. The Bible says “Where there is no vision the people will perish”. The enemy uses the news, radio, social media and things like these to point us to negative ideas, negative thoughts and keep us from God’s vision for us.
You can do all the things right or think you are and get completely wrapped up in the mindset. You can have all these tools for success that you need, and still not do anything. I think that is so fascinating, that we can have everything at our fingertips and still not have the life or business that we want.
It truly does trace back to the heart set. So what do we do about that?
Yeah, it sounds like what you’re talking about, we have a ton of resources, we have so many resources, but yet we neglect the source. Right? So where is the source that you’re getting all of that from? That is where we can take everything back to God. We get so obsessed with finding all the resources that we neglect the very source of everything good, that’s God.
So we tend to work on our business so much that we forget that we’ve got to work in ourselves.
What does that look like practically?
First of all, you already said it. When you were that girl in 2016, you couldn’t even see it. Therefore, the first part is one getting yourself around people who have a better lifestyle. Surround yourself with people who are a step ahead of you. I have paid thousands of dollars to be educated to acquire the tools. However, I also have a coach. I do this because I value somebody holding space for me to help me see where my thoughts are.
Two, really understanding not only who God says that you are, but who God is. You can say “I am chosen” but, we have to know who is God, who is his character, who in his nature, and understanding that God is good.
So I would encourage each of you to start recognizing the mean girl voice feeding you lies. When I hear those negative thoughts, I start writing those things down so that you can actually recognize them. And that’s the first step in change.
You have to recognize the lie first in order to be able to change the lie and replace it with a truth.
How do we how do we combat those lies? The first step is to recognize it, the second step is to record it. The third step is to refute it.
There always seems to be that one other local photographer that you constantly compare yourself with. It used to make me want to throw in the towel and just shut down my business. I thought, I’m never gonna be as good as her. That was my biggest lie.
Heather: The three basic human needs of every human being male or female is to feel loved, safe and worthy. So Imagine you’re you telling one of your kiddos, you have no value, and you’ll never amount up to what she has to offer. I mean, could you imagine saying that to your kid?
There is no competition in the kingdom, there is more than enough. If we truly believe that there’s abundance, and that there is more than enough that Jesus came to give us a life of abundance.
We can say all those things, and those things sound good, we can get those tattooed on our arm or write it on a T-shirt. But, we have to believe those things from our heart. And they have to be written into into our subconscious, written into our identity.
God said, Love your neighbor as yourself. The problem is most people don’t even love themselves. I’m not talking about a self righteous love for yourself that you’re better than anybody but know that truly loving yourself, seeing yourself as a child of God, the way that he loves you. That’s life-changing.
The last part of this is you turning all those statements into your declarations. So that those become your I am. You start writing those in your subconscious.
If everybody would just do the work and love ourselves the way that God has commanded us to, we would probably live in a much brighter world.
Heather: That is true. The Lord wants us to be fruitful, he wants us to prosper. I promise you if you’re willing to go deep, and you’re willing to lean into the resistance and do the hard work, everything is going to turn out to be beautiful.
My Facebook Community – Garden of Favor, is for thousands of other entrepreneurs who love Jesus and want to do business not just for God, but with God.
Join the #1 Business Framework for Photographers by becoming a student in the From Broke to Booked Blueprint Program.
Oh! And, if we’re not already connected on Instagram, you can find me here @brookejanaephotography