Learn How To Grow Your Photography Business to Full Time Income This Year!
What could you do with a few more hours in your day?
Are you overwhelmed trying to be on the go and still give your all to your family, our marriage, and your photography business? In this article I am going to share with you my experience going from exhausted and overwhelmed photographer to living the life I set out to create. I will help you see how you can do the same and create more time in your day.
There’s never going to be a time where you have it all figured out. I just want you to know, I don’t have everything together all the time. I don’t always manage my family perfectly all the time. And sometimes, I don’t manage my photography business perfectly.
Right now, I am in a beautiful season. I have drawn a fine line between when I’m going to focus on my photography business and when I’m going to focus on my family. However, I just want you to know that that is not always the case. I reached a place of burnout around two years ago. The year was almost entirely over. I looked up, and I realized that I couldn’t tell you the last time I had went on a date with my husband, hung out with friends or the last weekend I had free to rest.
Two years ago, I was saying yes to money. I was saying yes to photography clients. And I was saying no to my family, to baby showers, to friend’s invitations. Literally saying no to everything except making money.
I don’t recommend it.
Oh the lessons I’ve learned. Wanting to find that balance, freedom, and still bring money into my photography business, I asked myself, How can I still show up 110% for both my family and my clients without mixing the two together?
I found a tool called Iris works, a customer relationship management system. It allows me to have one place to put all of my leads, my clients, email communication, bookings, contracts, questionnaires and invoices! It’s my one-stop shop for running my photography business.
It has changed the game for me.
Today, I want to share with you how having a system and workflows can save you hours in your business. Some of you may already have a contract in place or already have a system in place. This will be me walking you through why Iris works changed the game for me.
The first thing that I absolutely loved about Iris works was the booking calendar. It allowed me to stop spending hours talking to clients or potential clients back and forth. With my booking calendar, I am able to plan out about 90 days in advance. I was also able to set up the session start times based on the sunset calendar tool inside of Iris Works!
Iris works makes so that when you get a booking, you get an email that says congratulations, someone booked a session. (They’ve even got those really cool confetti popper emojis that make it so fun!)
Not only that, I felt more professional and secure by allowing my client to physically sign up for something rather than just tell me what date worked for them. By having the systems in place, every client gets exceptional customer service.
How you’re going to be saving hours is by allowing your system your process to be as automated as possible. This doesn’t mean that you can’t personalize your emails and your conversations. This just means you will have everything ready to go and can save hours in your process!
If you are ready to get started implementing a system in your business, I have the perfect program for you! Inside of my From Broke to Booked Blueprint course I give you swipe templates, my emails, and everything else that you need. With Iris works and From Broke To Booked Blueprint course, you’re getting everything.
I’m not holding anything back I hope you’re convinced that you need a system in your business, that you will find a system that works for you and you will experience the true freedom of running your own business!
If you are ready to give Iris Works a try, you can use my code, which is BROOKE. It will save you 20% off!
(Full disclosure, you get to save 20%, and I do make a small commission.)
To apply for a one-on-one mentorship session to set up your Iris Works – go to and apply
We will get you your workflows, your emails, everything that you could need.