Learn How To Grow Your Photography Business to Full Time Income This Year!
Should you quit your photography business? It’s time to do a gut check on where you are at in your business and your life. In this episode of the Book More Clients Photography Podcast, I’m sharing how to find clarity and peace in your calling.
2022 has been a tough year for most of us. The economy isn’t in a good place. A lot of us are just now dealing with the emotional and mental toll that the pandemic placed on us. It was traumatic and a really hard season for entrepreneurs.
It’s okay to acknowledge that you’re not okay. For the first time in your life, a global pandemic stripped the security you placed in your business. You have permission to process, heal and move forward from that. Most of us will never plan for the future in the same way again.
First, I want to validate that it’s okay if you’re feeling that way. This year has been a year of healing, and a year of processing what we walked through over the last couple of years. If you still feel scrambled, lost and confused, you’re not alone.
I want to dive into how this has affected the way that you are showing up in your business. Are you truly committed to your photography business? Is this what you feel called to, or are you in a season where it’s time to change the vehicle? Is it time to quit your photography business?
We are all here on purpose for a purpose. You have a unique calling to fulfill your purpose. Many of us are called into business and to provide for our families in some way. I call those “vehicles”. These vehicles help you fulfill your calling, while helping others fulfill theirs as well. You’re all headed towards a destination.
I have been in so many vehicles throughout my life. I was a teacher in public school. Then I stepped into a new vehicle and became a photographer full-time. Then I was able to step into yet another vehicle and became a coach for photographers while still running my photography business. I’m willing to bet that you’ve been in different vehicles throughout your life too.
Now it’s time to ask yourself the hard questions. Is this photography business your vehicle right now? Maybe you feel sure about it, and you know this vehicle is right for you. But maybe you feel some uneasiness and you need to dive into that a little bit more.
Where is that uneasiness coming from? Is it because you are in the wrong vehicle? Maybe you’ve loved this vehicle, and all the features and benefits that it came with, and you are so thankful. But you have reached a point in your journey where God’s ready to uplevel you to the next thing. It may not be photography. He’s asking you to trust Him and to step out of the vehicle.
Maybe that resonates with you. But what if you’re not sure? Dig into that. Is it your fear? Have the last few years negatively impacted the way that you view your photography business and the way that you show up?
Whatever that vehicle is for you, whether that’s a photography business, an online business, or a nine to five job, are you committed? Are you all in? You can’t have a plan B. You can’t keep the old vehicle in the garage and pick it back up if this one doesn’t work out. If you wreck this vehicle, if you crash and burn, you can’t have a plan B to hop back in your old vehicle.
What vehicle is the Lord calling you to? It’s time to commit to it. You can’t have a plan B. Plan B says that you don’t have faith in this calling. When you pick your vehicle, you should have peace about it. You may not have all the answers, but you will have peace about it.
What vehicle are you supposed to be in right now in this season? This is a conversation that is happening right now through so many different people, in different parts of the world. Feeling frustrated lost and overwhelmed? It’s time for a heart check
Journal out your feelings. How do you feel? What are your fears? What’s worrying you? What is weighing on you? What’s keeping you stuck? What are your blocks? What are you thinking about? Praying about? What are you waiting on?
Sit with it and journal on it. It’s the best way to let that out. We have so much pent-up anxiety and trauma and all these things that we walked through. It’s time to breathe a sigh of relief and let some of that go because it’s holding you back.
I hear you. I see you and feel you. I’m with you. It’s been hard. But it doesn’t mean that it’s over. 2022 is not over yet. God has not left you. You’re not by yourself. You are not going to have to worry your life away. I know that things are a little rocky. You are probably carrying more stress than you ever have. But I want you to know that you’re going to be okay.
Let’s have the hard conversation about our business. Are you in the right vehicle? That’s all I want you to do today. If this touched you, if this shook you, I want you to pop over to Instagram. DM me and tell me what you got from this episode. Tell me that you listen and ask if you need prayer from me.
Is it time to quit your photography business and step into something new? If you are in the wrong vehicle, and you’re keeping it going even when the Lord has called you to something different, but you’re in denial mode, you’re only hurting yourself. You’re going to continue to stay stuck, confused, and lost because God’s called you to exit the vehicle and get into a new one. I know you’re scared to learn a new thing and you feel like you’re starting over. I want to encourage you to get out of the vehicle that is not yours any longer.
Find a renewed hope and some restoration. I pray that you find peace that you are in the right vehicle. For those of you that are getting confirmation that this is where you’re supposed to be, but you’ve just been really hard on yourself, and you’ve been unsure, I want you to have peace, hope and a restored joy about the vehicle that you’re in. I am looking forward to your DMS in my inbox!
Don’t forget to check out the latest podcast from Brooke, Book More Clients, for faith-led women in business.
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