Learn How To Grow Your Photography Business to Full Time Income This Year!
Usually around this time of year you are coming out of the slow season and want to start getting clients on your books. Today, I want to give you three ways you can get a jumpstart your spring calendar. Let’s start walking you through these…
In Episode 110, I walk you through why and how to run a model call. Head on over to the Book More Clients Podcast to check it out.
You can jumpstart your bookings by hosting a weekend of mini sessions. This will help to drive traffic and give people a little taste of what it’s like to work with you. The goal is to get them hooked, so they come back to you later on. You could do milk baths if you’re a children’s or milestone photographer. One idea would be to have a milk bath for babies who can sit up to all the way to two years old.
If you feel like you need a jumpstart, this one’s for you. The idea of this particular technique is for you to go back to every person you’ve ever worked with. This includes paid clients, free clients, model call clients and anyone else you’ve worked with. I want you to go back and communicate with every single one of them. Let them know that you are running a referral contest.
These are three ways to jumpstart your spring calendar, so pick the one that’s best for you and get to work.
Do you want to hear even more ways to get your calendar packed with clients? Head on over to the Book More Clients Photography Podcast to listen now!
Don’t forget to join our community of photographers over at Social Selling for Photographers. If you’ve chosen which way you’re going to jumpstart your calendar, I’d love for you to share it in the group!