Learn How To Grow Your Photography Business to Full Time Income This Year!
Optimize your website for MORE clients!
Is your website fully optimized to bring you more clients? Alongside Karima Creative, we’re diving into just that. Let’s makeover your website so that you’re ready to book more clients!
A brand and web designer; who designs on ShowIt & Squarespace, with three years of experience doing brand & design full-time, she works with photographers and those in the wedding industry (stationary businesses, florists, venues, etc.). Karima lives in Raleigh, North Carolina with her two dalmatians.
Karima & I just wrapped up my new branding & the launch of my new website design together! If you haven’t had the chance to check it out — hop on over there & do so, it’s truly BEAUTIFUL!!
I know slow season can feel scary, but instead of looking at it from a place of fear, worry or anxiety; let’s look at it like this: we get to spend our time building the backend of our business so that 2-3 months in the future, we’re ready for the fully booked calendar, we’re ready to welcome clients in again. That’s why the timing of this is so perfect. We’re going to dive into all the differently ways we can optimize your website (in the slow season) so that you’re ready for more clients when ‘regularly’ scheduled programming kicks off again.
Optimizing your website for more clients starts with SEO.
Let’s dive into SEO on your website. This doesn’t have to be complicated.
Here are the main points of SEO to dive into:
As a photographer, when you title these images correctly, it allows you to be able to be indexed for that through Google. Google = more eyeballs on your website & brand, hello GAME CHANGER!
Secondly, make sure that you are uploading the correct size of images. This is necessary because it is going to allow your site to load faster, which is what Google takes into consideration when ranking your site.
They want sites that give people the necessary information, through quick load time & high-performance rates. So, make sure that you take the time to resize your images or download them all as web size for that quick load response & ultimately your SEO performance through Google.
Something else you need to be doing: updating your galleries, your portfolio and your blog. Clean things up. Having a ton of blogs isn’t helping you, if you don’t even do those types of sessions anymore, or your work has changed and your editing has changed, go back and clean those up.
Make sure you adopt this as a habit. Frequently look at your portfolio & your gallery images, and make sure that those are the images that you actually love. Take time to curate your favorite images. This makes a big difference in who you attract for future sessions.
You know you have an amazing site, but you’re still not getting inquiries, let alone bookings…
Have you double checked that all your links are properly working. That where they say they’ll lead your ideal client, they actually work & lead your client(s) there. Double check all your buttons + double check them on mobile, too.
When is the last time you updated your guides, pricing guide, style guide, prep guide, etc.? When is the last time you opened those up yourself & actually made necessary updates? Have you updated your client testimonials recently? When is the last time you double checked to make sure all the information you have out there for potential clients to see (including the information you send them after they contact you) is up to date & accurate?
If you don’t have any of the guides mentioned above, slow season is a great time to visit Shop Brooke Jefferson & check out the easily customizable templates available there. These guides are the little things that will make you stand out from the other people and having these things up to date, shows your credibility and quality in your business when you send them to potential clients.
Instagram: @karima.creative
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