Learn How To Grow Your Photography Business to Full Time Income This Year!
If marketing makes you want to pull your hair out then this is for you. I’m diving into the number one marketing mistake you’re making in your business.
You started your business to make money but also to serve people. The only way to serve more people is to be seen by more people and nurture them in an impactful way that shows them you are the solution to their problem. The marketing mistake I’m talking about today is that you’re putting all of your focus into social media marketing. But you’re neglecting the rest of the funnel. I’m talking about a simplified marketing funnel that is the path your ideal client takes to go from follower to client.
Social media is a pay to play app. Facebook has declined in the past few years and Instagram is starting to do the same. And on Instagram alone less than 1% of your followers will ever see your story and less than 6% will ever see your feed posts.
Social media is definitely part of the funnel. But it’s just one tiny piece. Many of us are overwhelmed by marketing, we can’t figure it out, we get burnt out and just want to quit social media. So because of that I created a free guide that walks you through the exact process of how to create a simplified funnel that results in sustainable marketing so you don’t have to sell your soul to social media.
So I want to walk you through an overview of what you’ll see in this guide. And then explain this simplified funnel so you’ll be able to create it for your business.
This is your marketing funnel and it’s going to be simple. This is where all of your time, energy, and attention goes to as you work on your business. And I’m going to explain this backwards because that’s how you’ll work through the guide. Picture this as an actual tornado funnel or a funnel you’d use in the kitchen. At the bottom it is more narrow. As you work your way up to the top it gets bigger.
At the very bottom is the money symbol which represents sales. That’s when your client has officially either bought your product, your service, or become your client. Right above that is the next step in the funnel which is the offer. This is what you have to sell and the way you’re selling it. For example, if you’re a photographer your offers will be your different types of photography sessions. If you’re a coach then your coaching packages.
Right above your offer is your email list and this piece is crucial. If you’re not using email marketing yet then let me first ask you this. Did you check your email today? Yes because everyone checks their inbox. I heard on a podcast the other day that the reason you need to pay attention to your email list is because people are always in their inbox, always checking their emails. There’s no algorithm working against you. What did you need to do when signing up for a social media account? Right, enter your email address. Email marketing is not going anywhere and it’s still very much the primary method of how you communicate with clients and potential clients.
Right above email list in the funnel is long form content. This is content that after you pour your time and energy into it it can live on. It’s not a post or a reel that can’t live on. This is a blog, a YouTube video, a podcast episode, etc. This is where your main time and energy needs to be, making consistent long form content.
Then at the very top of the funnel is your social media platform. If you’re looking at the funnel from top to bottom it reads:
Your ideal person that you’re creating content for comes across you. Sometimes it’s through social media and sometimes it’s through your longform content. And I want you to really pay attention to this. Social media can be optional for you whenever you get to a certain stage in business. For my beginners, I want you to still use social media in your marketing because that is truly the fastest way for you to network with people.
Your social media content needs to serve a purpose. And that purpose is to drive people to watch your long form content. And then your long form content is promoting something or some way for people to get on your email list. Then your email list is ultimately what will push your offer or continue to nurture these people. They’re ready to have their problem solved and that translates into sales and clients.
If this resonated with you and you’re missing at least one piece of this funnel then go download my guide right away. I poured a lot of time into this guide because I know this is the number one marketing mistake you are making.
If you want to go a step further and you feel so overwhelmed then that is what my coaching is for. If that’s you send me an email at and let’s chat about some coaching options. Whether that’s a 1:1 coaching where you need a bit of a break through. We’ll talk marketing and we’ll get you a strategy. Or if you want to build out your entire business and funnel and really dive in. If that’s you shoot me an email and for everyone else go download that guide.
Make this your number one homework assignment right now so that you don’t just consume but actually take action and implement on every episode you hear from me.
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