Learn How To Grow Your Photography Business to Full Time Income This Year!
The two keys that I’m going to share with you today will help you become a booked out photographer and keep you front of mind with potential clients. Buckle up and get ready to be booked out, friend!
The first key is a clear and concise offer. When you do not have clear and concise offers, you will struggle in your business, because people will be confused. So take a moment to think about your business now. Are you clear, consistent and confident in your current offer? Yes or no?
If you’ve identified that your offer is an issue, the next step is to restructure your packages to make sure that they makes sense to your ideal clients, because that’s a really big deal. If your potential clients are confused and don’t understand or clearly see value, then they will not book you.
Here’s my biggest tip, friend… You should have no more than two to three offers max. Seriously, that’s enough! This means that when a potential client reaches out to you, they should literally have only two choices, maybe three, that they can easily pick from. Don’t give people too many choices or you’ll find they’re either going to book with someone else that basically chose for them or they’re going to wait and wait and possibly never book at all.
I also see many people try to have packages by type of session like five options for maternity. But if you’re a couple, here’s my package options for that, oh, and if you want a wedding, I have different options for that too. Then, if you want me to photograph your dog, here’s another set of pricing. Trust me, you do not want to do that, because people are going to be so overwhelmed. Analysis paralysis is a real thing. This is where less really is more!
You need to create a system and roadmap that every client will go through. From the moment they reach out to when they receive their final gallery, there should be a consistent flow. This system needs to be the same for every single client and session. In doing so, you can run a profitable, sustainable business. There’s that word again, right?
We can all make money being hot messes, but we can also waste a lot of time doing that. If you don’t have a system and a workflow, you’re gonna burn out fast, especially those of you that have multiple titles, like mom, wife and employee. You can’t wear all those hats and rely on your brain to remember every detail. Having a set system in place is a must.
Many photographers I work with end up tackling their pricing and packages before anything else. Why? Because when asked why they chose their current pricing model they often respond with phrases like: “I don’t know. It just sounded good.” or “I just changed my prices and have multiple times in the last six months.” Both of those answers tell me that they need help getting clear on their pricing.
Now let’s jump into some pricing tips!
We’re going to start by digging deeper into your current pricing model. Take a second to think through these questions:
Did you decide on your prices based on what you think you’re worth or what you think you should charge?
Did you look towards your competitors for pricing ideas?
Where did you come up with your current pricing?
If you haven’t yet, check out my FREE Pricing for Profit Formula to come up with your base pricing. You cannot just choose pricing, because that’s what you think you should charge or that’s what feels good. You need to consider your time, talent, income goals, and expenses when determining your price. If you don’t, your business will never truly be sustainable.
Notice I didn’t say profitable. You can be all over the place, inconsistent, not confident in your pricing, ALL the things and still make some money, but honestly, that probably won’t last. That’s the difference between being sustainable and profitable. I don’t just teach you how to make money. I teach you how to make money and be in business for the long run.
One of the best ways to transition from being someone who is undercharging to charging enough is to just do it. I love coaching photographers on this, because I will show you how to
incrementally get your pricing up there. Or if you’re someone who’s like nope, enough is enough. I’m ready to go all in and charge these higher prices, then let’s do it.
There are 2 things to remember when committing to a price increase: Number one, you are going to lose people and number two, believe in yourself. If you don’t you simply won’t sell yourself.
When I have clients circling back after years, they sometimes look at my prices and mention how they only paid $75 a session previously. And I’m like, “Guess what…I’ve invested and grown since then!” So, yes, I believe in myself. And you should believe in yourself too! You ARE worth it!
If you put these two keys into place, you will unlock the key to a sustainable business. I know that if I did it, you can too! Want to continue growing your business or have questions about your offer and pricing, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I would love to help in any way I can!
You can download my FREE Pricing for Profit Formula HERE, so you can be 100% sure your pricing is on point.
Want to hear more about how you can become a booked out photographer? Head over to the Book More Clients podcast to listen now!
You can also find the podcast on iTunes and Spotify.
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