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In today’s episode on the Book More Clients Photography Podcast, I’m sharing 3 hacks to find motivation in your photography business during a tough season. If you are overwhelmed, stuck or just don’t have the motivation you need in your photography business, this post is for you!
Today on the Book More Clients Photography Podcast, we’re discussing 3 hacks to find motivation in your photography business if you’re feeling emotionally drained, overwhelmed or unmotivated.
A family and senior photography based in Michigan.
Brooke: What is your question for me today?
Sara: How do you fight the loss of motivation and drive to push through a tough season in your photography business?
Brooke: Because this is a live coaching call, I want to answer this questions specifically for you and your season. Tell me why you feel like you’re in a tough season of your photography business? What are you dealing with right now?
Sara: It’s a lot but to sum it up – family drama that’s pushed into work and I’ve lost my spark in a slower season. I was very busy and overwhelmed at Christmastime. All of a sudden, it died completely and I’ve been stuck in this headspace.
Brooke: Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing. When your personal life comes under attack, it can be exhausting. We’ve all been there and struggled. For me personally, the past six months have been a spiritually and emotionally trying season. In the past, it’s been broken friendships or fights with my husband that seemed to linger.
For you, I think you’re mentally exhausted, you’re overwhelmed and fighting an emotional battle. Here’s what I recommend during a tough season:
I want to give you a minute to process and I want to hear if any of that is helpful to you. Is there a strategy where you thought, “Oh, I’m going to do that!”
Sara: Definitely the go outside part. I’m in Michigan so the weather is 50 degrees one day and 30 the next. Even going to the grocery store or going outside for a minute. It does feel a lot better. I’ve had that thought in my brain that “I just need to go for a walk with my kids.”
Then, I’ve definitely been thinking about having fun with my camera. Maybe even a fun session with my kids would really make me come alive.
Brooke: Here in Oklahoma we get mild winters and this had been the first real winter we’ve seen. Seasonal blues is a real thing people go through. It can bring you down whereas warm weather can loosen you up. Warmer weather and getting back into things like baseball and softball can liven us back up.
It may take trial and error to figure out what works best for you and what will get your creativity back. I hope these 3 hacks to find motivation in your photography business will help you in taking some steps to figure that out.
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