Learn How To Grow Your Photography Business to Full Time Income This Year!
Have you heard the phrase community over competition? Being in the creative business, I’m guessing you have and probably more than once. I bet you’ve even seen this topic discussed in Facebook groups and Instagram captions.
Well, I’m here to tell you it’s not just a hashtag, but an actual way of life. In fact, it should be the way you run your business. It should be the way that you interact with others in your industry.
I get it. You are running a business and to run a successful business, you need to turn a profit. So, why do you need to embrace community over competition?
Personally, I think one way you can be really successful in your business is to embrace the community around you, specifically embracing the other photographers. Find new ways to collaborate with one another and learn from one another.
Here’s the thing… It’s so important to invest in your community because entrepreneurship can be a very lonely journey. (Can I get an amen?) There are times when I feel like I’m the only person on the planet who is going through the things I am.
I value my photographer friends because they can relate to being mama AND business owner. I can call them up and ask them if they’ve ever run into a certain situation and ask how they handled the scenario. They can call me with questions, too! Plus, when I need a second-shooter, I’ve got talented photographer friends who are ready to assist and already know my community and cliental.
Of course, I am still a firm believer in setting yourself apart from the crowd, but you setting yourself apart is going to attract your ideal client. You are not meant to be everyone’s photographer and that is a-okay! In fact, getting to know other photographers within your community will allow you to better assist those who aren’t your client because you can now confidently refer them to another professional photographer. It’s a win-win!
You will have people around you who absolutely refuse to embrace the community around them (bummer for them!). This is just part of life. Let yourself be the good in your community, the one who welcomes their competition in without the fear that you’ll lose sales or gain kickbacks for it.
Community can be as simple as taking the time to schedule a lunch date to get to know other photographers in your area. I’m not saying you have to call up every single photographer right this minute. Start by reaching out to 2-3 photographers at a time for a local meet up. Start a group text message, send a positive email, etc. Little things like acknowledging one another goes along way and is the heart behind the phrase community over competition.
I encourage you to embrace this community over competition because in the long run, when we all work together and we all support one another we will truly further our journey’s and better our community.
Tell me, how are you going to embrace community over competition? If you’ve already connected with others in your industry, what does your community time look like? I can’t wait to hear from you, friend!
Looking for a place to connect with and learn from other photographers? Join my Facebook Community!
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