Learn How To Grow Your Photography Business to Full Time Income This Year!
Have you ever found yourself in an in between season, where you just need some encouragement? Today, on the Book More Clients Photography Podcast, I’m offering you just that, encouragement for your photography business.
Today, I want to take a few minutes and speak to your heart; to where you might be in this season. Currently, it’s an in between time and yes, it’s physical, it’s seasonal, we are going from the winter, and transitioning into spring.
More than that, we’re in an in between season spiritually, emotionally, mentally.
This year, I have already walked through more testing of my faith then in the past years; specifically speaking with finances, and my local photography business. I knew that taking a leave of absence from my local photography business was going to take a toll, as I went through surgery in December and had to take December in January completely off for recovery. So, I knew that it would throw me off course a little bit. But I didn’t really understand really what the future of the local photography business side was going to look like.
I am in an in between season of trying to understand where God is pushing me to go; I’m leaning into that is more educating, pouring more into my students in both of my courses, and teaching you right here in this podcast, how to grow your photography business.
So that is where I am being pulled and led to is 80% more of that and only like 20% of actually taking on sessions, which is a really hard for me to admit out loud because I have tied a lot of my identity to me being an artist to me being a creative to me having a photography business, and it has really thrown me through the wringer. I’m in a season of relying on God for a lot of provision and increase my faith and trust in Him.
Even though this is specifically speaking to my season, you’re probably going through a season of learning to trust God for your provision through your own life, business and whatever else it is that you’re going through. We are always going through something. Life is never just going to slow down.
We’re grateful and blessed when we get to walk through a season where there’s really not a whole lot of lows. Aren’t those great? In the back of my mind, I know there’s another trial coming down the road and that’s not being a negative Nancy, that’s just being realistic and knowing that this life is not going to be perfect.
So, what I want to speak into your heart today is this: if you are in a place where you are struggling to understand how God is going to provide for you, how you’re going to continue to grow your business, when it feels like you’re stuck in a desert.
If you’re walking through a desert right now, first I want to encourage you to get right in your faith. Get right with God. God is not a genie, we cannot just say, “oh, that sounds good, what Brooke is talking about, so I guess if I just wake up every morning, and I pray & I asked God to bless me, it’s gonna happen”.
Honestly, that doesn’t come until we align our lives, and we get on the right track. This is not to condemn or shame you; this is for you to take a minute to really reflect on your life.
I want you to process that because it took me three solid months of asking God to open and close doors, to remove people, to test my faith. It’s been hard but looking back, I see it, I see the beauty and all of that, but it took work on my part.
First of all, I had to surrender. If you haven’t listened to the faith filled podcast episodes, we talk about how to get here; aligning your business with God and making him first before you do the business things.
It’s all a heart issue. You’ve got to posture your heart, and once you’ve aligned your heart and you’ve aligned your life, that’s when we can come to God and we can say, “God, right now, I don’t know what the future looks like today; I feel scared, nervous, anxious, sad and defeated”. Pour out your heart to him and tell him where you’re at. That’s what I’ve been doing.
Even in this season of, “Thank You, Lord for getting me through; for always providing more than enough even though things are not always going my way, thank you for providing for me, and always looking out for me, for being here and for staying true to what your word say, Lord, I come to you with thanksgiving and I come to you pouring my heart out to you”.
Lord, I ask that you step in that you will take charge that you will help me surrender my business and my life. Father, I am just asking for you to make big moves in my business right now. Lord, it seems like the clients are never going to come, it feels like crickets and like I am walking an uphill battle. Lord, I ask that you take control.
That your peace will cover me right now, Lord, that I will lean on your understanding and not my own Lord, that I will trust that your ways are better than mine and that I will truly be able to surrender right here in this moment. I don’t have to have all the answers or the clients pouring in right now but Lord, I ask for you to show out and show off Lord I asked for your favor upon my business in my life right now. I am leaning on you, I am trusting you, I love you. And I thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen.
That, my friends is how you surrender, and you have thanksgiving, and you pray.
If you will align your life and hearts, you will see God move in your life and business. And it won’t always feel like this desert. I’m going to tell you right now, that was the Holy Spirit, that was not Brooke Jefferson and her greatness. That was the Holy Spirit.
You’re not alone today. He has you. Do not give up in whatever situation you are in, do not give up. It’s not over. You are one step away from the breakthrough that you are praying for.
If this spoke directly to your heart, please come DM me on Instagram. Tell me what it was that spoke to you, I want to pray over you specifically and personally. Tell me that you heard this episode (or read the blog), and that it absolutely spoke to your heart, and I will pray for you.
If you’re looking for those faith-filled podcast episodes, tune into the Book More Clients Photography Podcast today.