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Feeling unqualified for the calling God has on your life? In this episode of the Five Star Business Podcast, I’m sharing how to find confidence in your calling and kick imposter syndrome to the curb, for good!
Are you feeling unqualified for the thing that God has called you to do? I’ve been there. This is one of the most common struggles in life and business. You constantly compare yourself to someone else or you set extremely high qualifications that you think you have to have in order to carry out the business that God called you to. I want to help you find the confidence to live out your calling.
This episode was inspired by my own season of pivoting and finding clarity in my calling. It was also inspired by a devotional that I’m currently going through. Today’s reading came from 1 Samuel 16. This story is talking about David being chosen as the next king.
To set the stage for you, Samuel, who is appointed by God, is coming to select the next king. Jesse, lines up all of his older sons in front of Samuel, except for his young son, David. David was left in the field to tend to the sheep. Samuel goes through all of the sons and says, “Do you have another son? Are all of you son’s here? Is someone missing?” Jesse names his son David but didn’t even consider him for the role because of his youth. In his father’s eyes, David was the least qualified.
Jesse never thought they’d come for David. I resonate with the story so much. The title of the devotional was “The Most Unlikely One.” How often do we feel like the most unlikely one? God has called all of us to specific callings in life. This can be motherhood, being a wife, running your business, or serving in a ministry or church. I believe that we all have one purpose, to advance the Kingdom of God. But I believe that we all have different callings.
When God gave me this pivot in my business, He called me to help women scale their businesses up to half a million dollars and beyond. At first, I thought He had the wrong girl. I felt unqualified for that position. Then I thought, prayed and journaled about it. I have a resume that shows that I have the skills for this.
Whatever I lack, God will make up for. I just needed to obey and take a step in obedience to fulfill the call that God had for me. So, if you are feeling unqualified, know that God is going to equip you. God does not call the qualified, He equips the called.
If you are feeling unqualified, you don’t need to worry about your qualifications, because that is what God is going to do. He is going to refine you and equip you. He is your provider. You don’t have to worry about anything else. He’s just asking you to take that step of obedience and continue to act in your business and continue to put one step in front of the other.
I want to share this verse with you, because this is the verse that inspired me to see things in a new way and to share this encouragement with you. 1 Samuel 16:11-12 says, “So Samuel asked Jesse, are these all the sons you have?” “There is still the youngest,” Jessie answered, “He’s tending to the sheep.” Samuel said, “Send for him, we will not sit down until he arrives.” So, he sent for him and had him brought in. He was glowing with health and had a fine appearance and handsome features. Then the Lord said, “Rise and anoint him. This is the one.”
In this moment, feel peace in your calling. God is saying over you and your business right now, “Rise and anoint her. This is the one. This is the one that I have chosen and the one that I want to fulfill this calling. I am going to equip her so that she can help others fulfill their callings.”
No more feeling unqualified, or worrying about how you’re going to make this happen. All you’re responsible for is obeying and saying yes to God. Even if you don’t feel qualified, trust in God. He will guide and lead you with every step in every season throughout this calling. Wash away the feeling of imposter syndrome and the feeling of being unqualified.
If you need a tangible example, I will tell you what a great mindset coach and friend of mine, Heather Burns, told me to do on a coaching call. She said, to write out all of the reasons that you are qualified to do this. I promise you, there’s going to be some story, some overlap, some skill that you possess, that is going to be in your toolkit to fulfill your calling. You may not have all the skills or all of the qualifications yet, but God has called you to it for a reason.
I hope that helps you find confidence in your calling. Remember that you are chosen for this very thing. You will be qualified through God to carry out your calling. Dive into 1 Samuel 16 to read the whole story. See what revelations Holy Spirit will give to you. I’m praying blessings on your business!
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