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Do you want to share your faith more in your business? Are you afraid to lose your following, or worse, your clients? In this episode of the Five Star Business Podcast, I’m diving into 4 ways to share faith in your business without losing clients.
Today’s episode came by popular request. This question is frequently asked in our Facebook community. When you join our Five Star Business Facebook Community, you’re asked a series of questions when you request to join the group. One of those questions is, “What questions do you have about faith or business?”
A question that I see over and over again is, “How do you infuse your faith into your business? How can you share it so freely and still have a profitable business without losing clients?“
If you find yourself wondering the same thing, I’m going to share four ways that you can infuse your faith in your business and brand without losing all of your followers, clients and audience.
Before we dive in, I want you to understand that this is a choice. You don’t have to share about your faith. But if you feel led to, you can absolutely talk about it and not feel ashamed about your faith. You also have to understand that not everybody’s going to agree with you. You probably are going to lose followers. You’ll probably have potential clients that decide that they don’t want to work with you because you teach/serve from a biblical perspective.
Something that you need to wrap your mind around is that you are in the business of attracting and repelling. You want potential clients to either instantly connect with you based on your shared ideas and values or be instantly repelled by you because they don’t relate.
I want you to embrace the fact that if you are going to share your faith in business, you are going to repel potential clients from your business and brand every single day. This has happened to me too. I’ve had followers who were offended by my faith, the words that I said, the scripture I shared or my perspective on something.
You have to remember that it’s not you that they have a problem with; it’s the name Jesus. It’s convicting. Sharing your faith and biblical perspective convicts others. A lot of people see conviction as offense. Perhaps they’ve been hurt by the church or another Christian. Maybe they were a part of a cult and were being taught things that weren’t biblical. Be full of grace and remember that not everybody came from the same background or had the same positive experience that you might have.
You can serve your clients and have a profitable business when you share your faith. Here are four ways that you can infuse faith into your business and still be true to who you are.
The very first thing way to infuse faith in your business without losing clients is the way you treat people. Clients will be drawn to you or get a vibe from you that is attractive to them to want to work with. Nine out of ten times, you can trace it back to the fact that you’re shining a light for Jesus.
That is what people are drawn to, even if they don’t recognize it. You don’t even have to say the name of Jesus, it’s in the way you serve people. Understanding who God has equipped you to be and knowing what your spiritual giftings are will go a long way in how you treat others.
One of the best ways to infuse faith in your business and in your life, is the way that you treat people. It’s through your kindness, the way that you are treating clients and the way that you’re reacting to things. Naturally embrace who you are because of your faith. I don’t want you to skip over this, because this is something that a lot of you are already doing without realizing it.
Find the areas where you might have dropped the ball. Look at how you’ve handled a situation, how you’re responding to clients, and make sure that you are doing it out of a pure heart. Ensure that you’re serving your clients, not using hateful language, and you understand that your clients are human.
At the end of the day, you’re dealing with a human being. It doesn’t matter how mad they are, how disappointed they are, how angry they are, or how they’re speaking to you. All you’re responsible for is how you respond in that situation. Treating others in a Christ-like manner is the number one way to infuse your faith in your business.
The second way to share your faith in your business without losing clients is by infusing faith into your content. This is something that I do. Faith is one of my brand pillars. It is one of the main things that I will continue to talk about, create podcasts about, write blogs about, and do guest interviews about. It is what I will create my content and my community around.
My faith is who I am. I’m going to share things on my Instagram stories so that my followers can see when I’m doing my Bible time. I’ll share a revelation with them, a light bulb moment from a book or from my Bible time. Weave in and share the things that you’re already doing that have to do with your relationship with God. Bring those moments into your business.
It’s up to you how much you share. Maybe you start with your captions. Share things about your relationship with God or talk about your faith story. You can do this in whatever way fits you, your business and your brand. It’s the simple things that are going to allow you to invite your faith into your business where it all naturally flows together. It will become something people know you by and it’s a connection point.
The third way to infuse faith in your business is to pray for your clients. This is something you can do behind the scenes. Pray for your current clients to do well and pray this over your future clients too.
Start praying for people in your business, for your team members, and your virtual assistant. Pray for whoever comes in contact with your business. Prayer is so powerful, and we often forget to use it. So pray, pray, pray.
Another way that you can infuse faith in your business is through giving and giving back. Do things like tithing and giving to your church and giving back to your community. That could be your local school, an organization that you care about that has a mission that aligns with your heart and your calling. You can give back to someone in need or to a client that is going through a rough time.
This is a way to show God that you trust Him and that you’re grateful for what you’ve been given. I want to really encourage you to do the things that nobody else is ever going to see. Pray and give. It’s going to be such an intimate part of your relationship with God behind the scenes. I want to challenge you to just do it. That is the only time that God asked us to test Him is with our money, tithing and giving back.
The last thing you can do to infuse faith in your business is to truly put God first in your business. That is the root of and the mission of this podcast. Put God first in your life. Put Him first during the times where you are struggling in your life, in your business, or wherever you are praying for a need. Place God first in your life when you’re in a waiting season, you’re waiting on a miracle, or you’re waiting on God to make the move.
Put God first if you feel like He’s given you the promise and the calling, but you don’t feel like you’ve got the answer yet. Let Him be the first person that you run to when something is wrong. Pray about your business instead of taking all your problems to the same people you know to complain with you or instead of going to social media and airing out your dirty laundry.
Tell God what you’re stressed out about and what you’re frustrated about. Ask Him why you feel like you are lost, confused, and burnt out. Run to Him first, and have a conversation with Him.
It is okay to run to God and feel like a broken mess. There is no perfect way to say a prayer. Open up for conversation and spill your heart out to Him. Then watch Him guide you one step at a time to pick up all the pieces. When you’re filling your cup with the Lord, it is going to spill over naturally into every other area of your life.
Three out of the four ways to share your faith in business, you’re going to take action on, but no one’s ever going to see it. You don’t have to show up every day and constantly say, “I’m a Jesus follower!” The way that you treat people infuses faith into your personality and your client experience.
Your faith comes through in your prayer life and behind the scenes where nobody else sees. When you put God first, you will have a spillover. You will see it spill into your business, spill into your motherhood, your marriage, your friendships, and all the other areas in your life. The only way to get to that point is to put God first.
So a quick recap, number one, the way that you can infuse faith into your business is through kindness and the way you treat your clients. It’s how you react to situations. Ask yourself, “How am I showing the love of Jesus without saying a word every single day?“
Number two is to infuse faith into your content. This is where you’re going to bring it forward to share your faith with the world. Your marketing strategy can incorporate your faith. You can add prayer, add a Bible study or start sharing scripture. There’s so many things you could do.
Number three is praying for your clients and giving back. You can give back to organizations or tithe to your church. These are ways you show up for God in private, just between the two of you. If someone asks how you honor God in your business, then you can share.
Number four, put God first. Allow Him to drive your business where He wants it to go. That doesn’t mean you sit there and do nothing. It means that you’re going to take action and have faith. Trust that what He lays out for you is the best fit for you.
So those are the four ways you can share your faith in your business without worrying about losing your clients or your following. I hope this encourages you. That there’s at least one or two things you’ll walk away with and start implementing in your life and business.
If you have any questions at all, don’t hesitate to come find me on Instagram. You can find the new account for the Five Star Business Podcast, @coachbrookejefferson. I’ll see you in the DMS and I’m praying blessings on your business.
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