Learn How To Grow Your Photography Business to Full Time Income This Year!
If you’re trying to gain mompreneur success and you keep feeling like you’re sacrificing your time, then you’ll want to check out my interview with Amy Traugh. She’s a mom, wife, and mompreneur mentor. She’s the founder of the MOMentum community and host of the Motivated Mompreneur podcast.
Time is one of the most important assets that we have but we’re always giving it away. To set herself up for the success that she has today Amy says it took a lot of trial and error. She always went through life checking all the boxes. You grow up, you go to college, you get the degree, you get married, you have kids, and then you work until you can retire some day. The pandemic helped her really take a step back and dig deep into what she was doing. So she took some time off, prayed and trusted God that everything would work out as it should, and she asked herself was she really fulfilling her purpose? The answer was no. She really had it on her heart to start a business. So she did and it grew but imposter syndrome set in and she felt alone in her journey.
She tried joining different groups in her community but felt like she never really fit in. So she decided to build her own. Now she mentors other women and helps them achieve mompreneur success in their current season of life.
Amy says this is something that takes practice. We’ve been conditioned by society to equate more hustle with more success. As a mom your energy and your time are the two most valuable assets you have. It is 100% possible to build a thriving business as a mom. But the first thing you need to do is dig deep. Take a pause and figure out what success really looks like for you.
If you have no idea what success is for you then you’ll be chasing your tail in circles. Once you get clear on what success is then you can look at everything. Know your goal and work backwards. Definitely have a business plan but in that plan know your mission and your values.
So many times in running a business we forget that it’s our business and we can run it however we want. And especially as a mom you need to respect the season of life that you’re in. So respect your time and energy and realize that you’re still moving in the right direction. It’s easy to get caught up in the thought of everyone else is doing this and I’m not progressing fast enough. But respect your season and be really clear about what mompreneur success looks like for you right now.
To dive a little deeper into figuring what success looks like for you, take a look at Redefine Success In Your Business.
Something Amy often recommends to her clients is doing a digital detox. Stop consuming and start implementing. Really take a step back and ask yourself what are those daily tasks that you need to be doing on a daily basis that will move the needle. It’s not learning more, it’s not scrolling for inspiration, it’s taking action. Especially as a mom, if you’re putting things off until you have the time you’re never going to find the time. You have to make the time and prioritize the right things to move the needle in your business. It’s all about protecting your time. Your time is a limited resource so make sure you’re spending it intentionally.
Another thing to make sure you do is put boundaries around your time. That can be really hard to do as a mom depending on what season of life you’re in. Remember that it’s ok to ask for help. Let your spouse know that you really need to focus on certain tasks for a while and can they please keep the kids occupied for an hour. Or even asking a mom friend. And when you have that focused energy you can get so much done in an hour.
The number one thing that everyone needs is an email list. Social media is borrowed land. You don’t own anything you put out there and you don’t own your followers. So getting an email list that is your own is key.
To build that list create a simple opt in or freebie. What is one thing your ideal person is struggling with? What is their main problem that you can solve? Turn that into a freebie and get their email address.
Then start to build a community. Network, collaborate, pour into your customers, ask for testimonials, ask for referrals. Word of mouth advertising is so powerful so keep expanding your community and your network.
Lastly, get clear on your offers, who it is that you’re helping, and how you’re solving their problems.
For any stage of business those are the top three things to focus on right now. But mainly for the mom trying to gain momentum in her business, if you can be solid on your email list, who your audience is, and building that network then you’re really going to grow.
A bonus tip would be to know your numbers. Track what’s selling and what’s not selling so you can focus your efforts into what is actually working.
Start taking messy action because reps get results. You can’t expect to get better without doing the work. Motherhood is the hardest, most challenging and most rewarding adventure there is. Take the time to enjoy the ride and just keep taking messy action.
You can find Amy on Instagram where she offers a freebie on how to market your business without spending a dime.