Learn How To Grow Your Photography Business to Full Time Income This Year!
Do you struggle with maintaining boundaries in your photography business? Are you wishing you could find a way to keep your business from creeping into your family life? Do you feel like you have lost the ability to say “No”?
Would you say that you struggle maintaining boundaries in your business?
We’ve all been there, myself included. I am here to help you get boundaries set up right now so that you don’t end up burnt out at the end of the season.
Your business hours as a photographer involves a lot of different things. It goes beyond just time spent in the field or studio shooting. Business hours take into account working on your business, your marketing and communicating with your clients. You need to decide when are you going to respond to clients, when you will be editing and when you will be available to answer client inquiries. Hint: We have got to stop thinking that we’re responsible for responding to clients in the middle of the night.
The biggest complaint that I hear all the time is I don’t know how to show up in all areas, all the time. I don’t know how to feel like a good mom, or a good wife, or a good business owner all at the same time. I don’t know how to show up well, for my business and my Life.
First of all I want to help you learn how to really examine your feelings on this subject. I know at times you are saying to yourself, I’m not a good mom. But, I want you to think of what being a good mom looks like to you. Ask yourself questions like: Did I spend time with my kids today? Did I provide dinner on the table? (Even if I had to drive through to pick something up) Did we have a family meal together?
These questions might look different for you. However, consider whatever it is that you expect from yourself by the end of the day. Then, ask those questions. If the answer is “Yes” You can rest knowing you are doing the best you can.
The second category where you have to draw a line in the sand and have boundaries in is saying “No”. Some of you can’t say no to anything, even if it goes against your morals or your values. If you are going to be the best business owner and mom you can be, you are going to have to change this.
Remember, You can say no to more sessions. I know it can be hard but if you have hit the limit on your sessions for the month and you say “Yes” to another client, you are saying “No’ to your friends, your family and to yourself. You will have high months and low months, I still do after 8 years in business. But, if you don’t set hard and fast boundaries in the high months, you will be left in burnout and lose out on time with your family.
Here’s the deal, If you keep taking last minute sessions, like they want a session this weekend, that doesn’t give you enough time to fully prepare them for their session. And then, what you get wound up with are last minute people and a last minute wardrobe; you’re going to be frustrated because you thought that this was going to be awesome. You took it because maybe you needed the session or you needed the work or you needed the money, whatever the case might be, but you’re going to wind up really disappointed because it was last minute, so you need to have a cut off. I recommend for everybody a limit of two weeks in advance at the bare minimum.
I challenge you today to really take a hard look at your business. I want you to figure out where you need to have some boundaries set up. And then start implementing those boundaries into your business today. Find better ways to communicate with your clients and keep showing up because you truly have a gift to share with the world. I don’t want a lack of boundaries to be the reason that any of you throw in the towel or you get discouraged or you lose sight of why you’re really here.
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Are you ready to start booking more clients and building the business of your dreams? I can’t wait to see you inside of my From Broke to Booked Blueprint Program!