Learn How To Grow Your Photography Business to Full Time Income This Year!
Do you want to be a successful photographer? Here are your next 3 steps in your photography business!
If you are in a season of your business where you need to get off the fence and start taking action this article is for you!
Will you close your doors and shut down your business OR commit to your business 100%? The choice is yours.
Here’s the thing, we have to continue to move our business forward if we truly want to be profitable and sustainable. Sustainable being the keyword. Anybody can make some money from a photography session.
I used to be a $50 photographer.
Are you giving your client too many package options? Are you overwhelming your audience? You need to be known for a signature package! That needs to be your most popular, your go-to package. If you are giving your clients more than two options, chances are they will be overwhelmed and not know what option to choose. If you are finding yourself customizing your offers for every new client, you are not going to profit. I want you to choose our signature package. What will you be know for?
How many steps does it take for someone to get in contact with you and to figure out how they can book a session?
Think about how many hoops your leads have to get to you. If there are too many, leads will never turn into paying clients. In fact, That might be the number one reason you’re not booking enough clients.
Grab some paper and map all of that out all of the steps. Do you need to do this manually? Or can you simplify this and automate it?
That way, every client gets a top-notch experience.
The next thing that you need to do is to come up with a way to start getting people to start booking. I want you to create a two to three week period of social media posts promoting a cool giveaway or a very specific session. You are purposely giving someone a reason to sign up with you today, giving a little bit of urgency.
The best way to do this is to run a mini-session day. You can choose a very specific theme for your sessions. You will spend at least a week promoting your mini-sessions everyday. Do you want more advise on running a mini-session day? This is something that I talk about inside of my Book More Clients Photography Facebook Group
If you’re not a part of that group, please join us! I go way more into depth on you can create this hype around your offer. I hope this lit a fire under you to get out there and start creating the photography business you desire!
Join the #1 Business Framework for Photographers by becoming a student in the From Broke to Booked Blueprint Program.