What is consistency? I think consistency is showing up over and over again. It’s in the HOW you should show up and not necessarily WHEN you show up. Ask yourself ‘what can I be consistent with?’ It doesn’t have to mean showing up 7 days a week, multiple times a day. Consistency is going to be tailored to each person and their audience. So what is consistency and how can you be consistent?
- It’s more about HOW not necessarily WHEN. If you are showing up multiple times a day and there is no real value in what you are posting, you are essentially wasting time and space. Consistency lies in how you show up. If you are showing up once a day but every time you do, you are leaving your people with incredible insight, then you are leaving tons of value. Quality over quantity! Check out this blog for more in depth training on creating value!
- Create a schedule to stay consistent. That is the ONLY way you can truly stay consistent. Know what is coming, when it is coming, and how you are going to show up. What days? Schedule it in your planner. I choose to show up Monday through Friday and sign off the weekends. You do what works for you!
- What are you going to be consistent about? That is up to you and what your audience wants! I choose to show up Monday through Friday. One to two times a day. Your content should have a goal in mind. Don’t just post to post something. Goals: get engagement flowing, prep your audience for an upcoming launch, schedule a call, helping someone solve a problem, making someone laugh, providing inspiration or motivation, gain clients, make sales… No matter your industry you should be educating your people.
4. How can you stay committed?
Use a social media scheduler to pre-plan your content and work ahead! I personally schedule posts on Planoly for Instagram and use the Facebook scheduler for my business page. This helps me stay consistent when life gets busy!
Which one of these tips was most helpful?
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