Learn How To Grow Your Photography Business to Full Time Income This Year!
It’s no secret that I’ve been deemed the ‘niche police’ in the photography industry, but for good reason! Is it really necessary to have a niche and to book your ideal client in your photography business? Keep reading to find out why I believe nailing your niche and identifying your ideal client are crucial to the success and longevity of your photography business.
One of the biggest changes I made in my business was getting really specific about who I was serving and what I was photographing. I wanted to become known in my community for being the go-to family photographer. Choosing a niche really just means choosing a specialty. What do you want to be the go-to photographer for?
When you spread yourself thin by offering everything under the sun, you are going to be on a hamster wheel of frustration. Why? Because marketing is harder. You are constantly switching your focus to promote different session types which confuses your audience. When you niche down you are going to be top of mind for one thing. And the best benefit is that you will be fulfilled in your business because you are truly doing what you love.
Niching down is step one, but now you need to dig deeper and find out why you are unique. It’s no secret there are more than a handful of photographers near you offering the same session types. While there is room for everyone, find out what makes you the go-to. It is impossible for you all to serve your clients in the same way.
You will naturally connect with some people over others. You’re in business so you are always going to be attracting and repelling clients. Some things that make you different are your personality, values, artistic style, and client experience.
You may have heard other marketing gurus teaching on this idea of creating a client avatar. Marketing ethics have changed a bit since this first teaching and method. The way I teach to book your ideal client is to think of it as a target market. Who are the people you are qualified and confident to serve in your photography business?
You aren’t sketching up a fake person and giving it a name, occupation, age, etc. Instead I want you to identify the main characteristics that make up the best clientele for your business. Sure some demographics may matter such as relationship status, age group, and family details for example. But you’re really looking to identify common values, desires, pain points, and lifestyle preferences.
The biggest mistake I see photographers making is that they are generic with their marketing and content. It’s never specific enough or speaking to anyone in particular so it just falls flat. Once you know who your target market is, creating content becomes so much easier.
Go beyond the surface level and stop sounding like everyone else. When I audit photographers’ websites, social media platforms, and investment guides, I typically see the same phrases on their stuff.
Once you know your niche and how to book your ideal client, the puzzle finally comes together. Your inbox starts flooding in inquiries with high quality clients and you get to work with people who value you. This strategy can seem so backwards, but I promise if you give it a true try, you will see the results I am talking about.
This is what I help photographers with every single day, and I would love to help you too. If you want my eyes on your stuff to see where you might be falling flat, book a coaching call with me. If you want the entire framework I offer for photographers to learn how to niche, brand, price their offers, create a client experience, and market their business, come join the From Broke to Booked Blueprint program.