Learn How To Grow Your Photography Business to Full Time Income This Year!
From Postpartum Nurse to full-time photographer! Today on the Book More Clients Photography Podcast, I’m talking with another Blueprint Program alumna, Cameron Fox; she’s sharing her encouraging story of from postpartum nurse to full-time photographer.
Cameron is a Registered Nurse by trade, she worked in women’s services at the hospital and thought that was her dream career, she loved it, but when her & her husband experienced infertility battles, she left the hospital & moved into school nursing and even taught High School Health Science Technologies before ultimately deciding she wanted to stay at home with her kids.
With a supportive husband, she walked away from her career, even though financially, it made no sense. Insert the start of her photographer journey.
Cameron had been a hobbyist photographer for 10+ years; she picked up a camera in the middle of nursing school because she had ONE class she needed to fill in her pre-requisite curriculum for nursing school and she thought, “why not a photography class, sounds fun!”.
It wasn’t until Covid that Cameron started to make the shift from hobbyist to business owner.
Cameron: I don’t remember how I found you, Brooke. I do remember I started watching all your content & then started having conversations with you. I remember specifically that I loved that your program wasn’t just this or that, it was the “map to success”, but more than that, I loved that no matter how much we talked, you never PUSHED me or tried to be overly salesy.
Brooke: I love all of this. And, yes, outside of Black Friday, I don’t get overly salesy because honestly, I don’t want someone in the Blueprint Program that doesn’t need to be there or that has to go broke to get inside of the program. I do know the value of the YES, too!
Cameron: I can speak to that to no end because I’ve nearly tripled my income in the year that I’ve been in the Blueprint Program.
Brooke: YES! I love that & I’m SO proud of you!
Brooke: What were some of the things that clicked for you, the things you were able to implement into your business?
Cameron: Niching down! Picking something specific because before the Blueprint, I was the photographer that did it ALL. I was in a rut at that point & it just wasn’t working. So, with the Blueprint, being able to sit down & really decide what I wanted to shoot & who I wanted to serve was a game changer for me. With the niching down, came the client experience, too. Next, is just how you teach on our worth; realizing I am my own person, I offer a unique experience, I am more than “just” a photographer.
Brooke: I LOVE ALL OF THAT! Yes, you (and anyone reading or tuning into the podcast) are more than “just” a photographer! And niching down is such a GAME CHANGER. That’s something I get a lot of push back from when it comes to my students so to have you say that niching down changed the game for you is HUGE!
Brooke: What would you tell someone that is sitting on the fence about joining the Blueprint Program?
Cameron: You’re constantly updating your program & sharing resources with the Blueprint community. There is no reason not to sign up. What do you have to lose? If you’re not making money in your business, what do you have to lose? I’ve taken a lot of programs, but none of them have compared. None of them helped my income, they didn’t help me develop an incredible client experience, and they certainly didn’t help me feel “not guilty” when it comes to my worth & what I charge in my photography business.
Free resource: Ready to Go Full-time in Photography Checklist
I have created this amazing free resource for you! It helps you answer the question of, “are you ready to go full-time in your photography business?”. Grab the Are You Ready to Go Full-Time Checklist today!